Rajesh Mohan

*All information was found via Rajesh Mohan’s official campaign website, https://mohanforuscongress.com/

  • Mohan believes that government entities should not interfere with women's medical decisions. He believes that pregnant women should not be punished for making decisions about themselves and their health, including the termination of a pregnancy, especially if it is a threat to her health.

  • Climate is not mentioned as one of Mohan’s main priorities.

  • Mohan promises an economy that works for all Americans, not just those who have privilege. He wants more products to be produced domestically, to support small businesses, to control inflation and the cost of living, and to allow for economic growth. Mohan also believes that internal production bolsters national security.

  • Mohan promises an economy that works for all Americans, not just those who have privilege. He wants more products to be produced domestically, to support small businesses, to control inflation and the cost of living, and to allow for economic growth. Mohan also believes that internal production bolsters national security.

  • Mohan supports the second amendment, but believes that ownership of rocket launchers, grenades and machine guns is unnecessary. Mohan also believes that people who have a history of mental health issues should not have access to firearms. To do so, background checks should be conducted, and individuals should be run through local and state databases to prevent incidents of gun violence.

  • Mohan wants healthcare to focus on the patient and address systemic equality. He also wants to prioritize mental health care, reform Obamacare, improve patient-doctor relationships, and remove barriers that prohibit people from receiving adequate healthcare.

  • Mohan promises to safeguard American borders and address mass illegal immigration in America. He looks to do this through using physical barriers, new technologies and increased border patrol. He also vows to get rid of Catch and Release, meaning anyone who enters the country will be detained and deported immediately. He also wants to streamline the Asylum process in Mexico, where people can be referred to US Immigration Services to ensure a fair and legal process for individuals fleeing persecution. To secure the border Mohan wants to create commercial entry/exit points and establish zero-tolerance drug policies.