Bramwell House

For decades, Bramwell House served as a pillar of community. The iconic red building on Route 206 housed our Breast Cancer Resource Center, English as a Second Language classes, and served as the main meeting space for the Newcomers & Friends. As the community continues to evolve, we remain steadfast in our commitment to serving the region though a variety of comprehensive, targeted programs focused on achieving our mission to eliminate racism and empower women.

Now, we are at a turning point. We must modernize our spaces and refine our program offerings to prepare for the next generation. Doing so will better serve, in a more holistic manner, those who come to us by deepening and broadening our impact on the thousands of lives that we touch. At this pivotal moment, we seek to build our future by strengthening our campus and service offerings to stay true to our mission.

View from North East

View from North East

Future of Bramwell

Creating a building for the future is no easy task. As the Princeton area grows and transforms, we must meet the times. Our new program building will feature a large community space complete with A/V essentials to host documentary screenings or panelists events with audiences up to 100 participants, flexible classrooms to be used to continue to deliver our essential ESL and workforce development programming, and so much more. Take a look at the drawings below to familiarize yourself with our tentative plans!

View from South West

View from entry

View from Entry to BCRC

View from Community Center




Help us in our quest to create a building for the next generation by donating today.

Please contact our development office with any questions or for more information,