Jill Stein

All information was found via Jill Stein’s official campaign website, https://www.jillstein2024.com

  • Stein is a major supporter of women's reproductive rights and bodily autonomy for women. She promises to codify Roe v. Wade and has continued to be a major critic of the Democratic party who she believes fundraises off the controversial topic but does little to protect women from nation-wide abortion bans. 

  • Stein has proposed a climate change policy that goes further than progressive Democrats’ Green New Deal, pushing the US to achieve zero carbon emissions on a faster timeline, no later than 2035. Stein will declare a climate emergency that would allow for $650 billion each year to build renewable energy transportation systems and technology. She also promises to create an Office of Climate Mobilization that will be responsible for creating climate policy and carrying out other interventions.

  • Stein believes in an economy that works for all people. She promises lifelong free public education, the eradication of all student debt, equal funding for all schools, guaranteed free childcare and free high-speed internet across the nation. Further, the Stein administration promises to pass a $25 minimum wage. She also is a strong advocate for guaranteed housing, rent control, federal job guarantees and unions.

  • Stein believes the U.S must stop fueling the Russia-Ukraine war and instead turn to negotiations. She also calls for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Palestine, medical aid and the release of hostages/political prisoners. She will also push for an end to military funding for Israel, until they abide by international law.

  • Stein promises to end the gun violence epidemic. She will ban the sale of assault rifles, increase background checks, pass red flag laws, close gun show loopholes, require gun owners to possess a high-quality gun safe and hold gun owners as criminally liable for minors' accessing firearms that harm others.  

  • Stein plans to implement Medicare for all, codify Roe v Wade, cancel all medical debt and address long- Covid. She looks to ensure the U.S Healthcare system protects LGBTQ+, women, people with disabilities, black, indigenous, and people of color.  

  • Stein believes border policies should undergo reform that allows for “effective asylum processing”. Stein’s Administration will abolish ICE and replace it with an Office of Citizenship. She will also repeal the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act and Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act.  

  • Stein supports the LGBTQ+ community and is dedicated to protecting these individuals. She is a supporter of the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act and Every Child Deserves a Family Act. The Stein Administration promises to federally prohibit conversion therapy, add a non-binary option to all federal documents, de-gender all school dress codes, declare LGBTQ+ suicide rates as a national emergency and include LGBTQIA+ history curricula in schools.  

Jill Stein has yet to announce her Vice President.