Donald J. Trump

All information was found via Donald Trump’s official campaign website,

  • Trump opposes late term abortion. He supports prenatal care for mothers, IVF and access to birth control.

  • Trump will push America to be the number one global producer of oil and natural gas under the operation, “Drill, Baby, Drill”. This will allow for energy independence, which will decrease the costs of oil, gas, diesel and clean coal throughout America. Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord and looks to eliminate the Green New Deal, denying the climate crisis as a government responsibility.  

  • Trump promises to build the greatest economy in history.  He has provided tax-relief for the middle class, doubled the child tax credit, and abolished job-killing regulations. During his presidency, Trump created nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones in minority communities. Overall, he plans to lower taxes while increasing median household incomes for all through the creation of more job opportunities for Americans.  Trump also understands the importance of fair and open trade. He got rid of the Trans-Atlantic Partnership, an agreement that was detrimental to American jobs and looks to end America’s reliance on China’s manufacturing abilities.

  • Trump stands with Israel and hopes for peace in the Middle East. He does not mention the Russia-Ukraine conflict on his campaign site.

  • Trump will protect the Second Amendment right to bear arms. He will throw out Biden’s executive order directing the federal government to target the firearms industry. He wants to push Congress to pass a concealed carry reciprocity and will appoint Supreme Court Justices that uphold the Second Amendment right to bear arms. 

  • Trump wants to replace the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare through implementing a better healthcare plan for the American people. His healthcare plan aims to increase transparency in healthcare and insurance pricing. In 2020, The Trump Administration signed the No Surprises Act which stops patients from receiving surprise medical bills because of disputes between the healthcare provider and insurance company.  He also looks to halt all Covid vaccine mandates and allow for medical freedom for all Americans.  

  • Trump promises to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. He believes the invasion of illegal aliens is a threat to public safety and hopes to tackle this by increasing law enforcement, ending catch and release, eliminating asylum fraud and continuing to extend the 450-mile wall he started during his presidency.  

  • Trump promises to issue an executive order instructing federal agencies to cut programs that promote gender transitions. He will push Congress to stop the use of federal dollars to promote and pay for gender-affirming procedures. He also plans to penalize Medicaid/Medicare and healthcare providers if they provide chemical or physical gender-affirming care to the youth. 

JD Vance, Vice President

In 2022, JD Vance was elected as the Senator of Ohio. He was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio in a very tumultuous family situation. JD enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2003 after high school. He served in the Iraq war, then graduated from Ohio State University and Yale Law School. He is most well-known for his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, that was later made into an award-winning movie. The memoir discusses his upbringing, family poverty and reflects on his life since he left home.