Curtis Bashaw

*All information was found via Curtis Bashaw’s official campaign website,

  • Abortion is not mentioned as one of Bashaw’s major priorities on his Senate campaign site. 

  • Bashaw has discussed an energy plan allowing America to be energy dependent, while also protecting our coastlines and natural resources. He does not look to force expensive energy mandates, but rather looks to invest in emerging technology that will allow for energy dependence. 

  • In Congress Bashaw believes that it’s the government’s responsibility to help small businesses. Bashaw says jobs are the best social program and he will work to increase job opportunities so that people can thrive, which is important to American culture. He vows to lower taxes for middle class families, making homeownership more achievable for all.

  • Bashaw prioritizes America’s partnership with the only democracy in the Middle East. He wants to address antisemitism throughout New Jersey by addressing antisemitism on college campuses and holding “pro-Hamas” groups accountable.

  • Although Bashaw does not explicitly mention gun control as one of his major priorities, he believes in a hands-off government that does not tell its citizens what to do with their lives. 

  • Healthcare is not mentioned as one of Bashaw’s major priorities on his Senate campaign site.

  • Bashaw believes that domestic safety and peace is a notable portion of our nation's founding documents. He aims to ensure Americans feel safe by shutting down the southern border and stopping the influx of illegal immigrants.