Chase Oliver 

All information was found via Chase Oliver’s official campaign website,

  • Oliver believes that abortion should be an individual choice, although he sympathizes with both sides. He will work with states to decriminalize abortions but will also ensure federal dollars will not be used to fund abortion clinics in supporting the Hyde Amendment. Oliver will also push alternative options like adoption, by lowering the cost of adoption for interested families.

  • On Oliver’s Campaign website, climate justice is not addressed as one of his major priorities.

  • Oliver will help the average American with financial challenges through closing regulatory loopholes and urging Congress to pass a Balenced Budget Amendment that fixes the deficit spending issue within the federal government. He is a strong believer that the American people should decide where their tax dollars go. Oliver will also address the student-debt crisis by ending the federal backing of student loans and making all current student loans interest free. Oliver also vows to help stabilize the financial crisis among students by permitting educational loans to be dischargeable in bankruptcy.

  • Oliver believes in cutting all aid to nation-states currently at war. This includes cutting US aid to both Israel and Ukraine. He believes that we can offer support to allies without directly intervening and encouraging the continuation of violence.

  • Oliver supports the right for Americans to defend themselves using guns. He does not support any gun restrictions and as President promises to get rid of any gun restrictions that exist today. He believes the current restrictions are violations of the Second Amendment.

  • Oliver understands that American healthcare is too expensive. He promises to work with Congress to remove limits on Health Savings Accounts, that don’t fully cover the expense of healthcare. Oliver will also lower the regulatory burden on the pharmaceutical industry and end evergreen plants that keep prices high.  

  • Oliver believes our immigration must be reformed and modernized. He states that immigration should be a simpler process where migrants appear before immigration officials, receive medical and criminal checks and receive a Visa to find employment. Oliver also believes in a simpler path for immigrants who already reside in the United States. He also promises citizenship for DACA-eligible residents and children of foreign workers who are on temporary work visas.  

  • On Oliver’s Campaign website, LGBTQ+ rights are not addressed as one of his major priorities.

Mike Ter Maat, Vice President

Mike is a former police officer in Broward County and has a background in finance and economics. Mike was an advocate for free markets for over a decade, and started an education business for bank executives. He has taught economics at three universities and has been a substitute teacher at Broward schools.