Bonnie Watson Coleman

*All information was found via Bonnie Watson Coleman’s official campaign website,

  • Coleman is an advocate for women's rights. She believes that women have the right to their own bodily autonomy, the right to feel comfortable in the workplace, and the right to necessities like feminine hygiene products. She looks to highlight the unjust experiences of women of color when addressing women's rights overall.

  • Coleman is an advocate for strong environmental protections. She has been a member of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) which promotes reusable energy and green collar jobs. She also cosponsored the Energy Security and Independence Act of 2022 which decreases America’s use of fossil fuels. She also introduced the Stay Cool Act that addresses the issue of extreme heat caused by climate change that will impact the quality of people’s lives.

  • Coleman believes the American Dream can only be fulfilled if the wealth inequality is addressed. She has introduced the Tax Credit Modernization Act and has been an advocate for “Raise the Wage” campaign in New Jersey. She also views housing as a human right, cosponsoring the Keep Your Home and Prevent Homelessness Act that gives $2 billion dollars to individuals experiencing homelessness as a result of the housing crisis.

  • Foreign Policy is not mentioned as one of Coleman’s major priorities.

  • She believes that an aggressive attack on gun violence is the proper congressional response. In the House she has cosponsored the ban of semi-automatic weapons sold to individuals under 21 called the Protecting Our Kids Act. She has also taken part in gun control recommendations called the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2021 and the Help Empower Americans to Respond Act of 2021.

  • Coleman views affordable healthcare as a necessity although it exists as a privilege today. She cosponsored the Medicare for All Act, which guarantees healthcare as a human right.

  • Coleman believes the US has welcomed immigrants because of the promise it brings and our obligation to help them as humans. She believes they contribute to the American society in the same way as American citizens. Former President Obama had established the DACA program, which protected undocumented immigrant children for 2 years, allowing them to gain legal status. The program has since been terminated by Donald Trump. Bonnie has cosponsored the American Dream and Promise Act to reinstate DACA.