Andy Kim 

*All information was found via Andy Kim’s official campaign website,

  • Kim is pro-choice and believes that everyone should have bodily autonomy. In the Dobbs ruling, Kim voted to pass two bills called the Women’s Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Women’s Rights to Reproductive Freedom Act.

  • Kim believes in protecting the environment and creating a better future for later generations through the implementation of environmental protections. Kim supports the Inflation Reduction Act to combat climate change while also creating jobs. The act invests in American energy production, agriculture, restoring coastal regions, and advanced transportation/manufacturing.

  • Kim’s focus lies on lower costs to care for a family. In Congress, Kim has supported the Inflation Reduction Act which lowers the cost of healthcare for Americans, while also reducing energy costs and providing tax credits. He also seeks to expand free meal options for children through the Keep Kids Fed Act and has introduced a bill himself called Summer Meals REACH Act, that provides summer meals to children who receive meal assistance during the school year. Kim seeks to support small businesses that create jobs and aid local communities. He recognizes the COVID pandemic as extremely harmful to small businesses and aims to rebuild them. In doing this, Kim wants to pass legislation like the Microloan Improvement Act to provide better access to loans for struggling small businesses. He also is a supporter of the CARES Act which provided direct checks to small businesses, created a pay protection program, and held emergency grants for them. Kim also endorsed The American Rescue Plans, The Better Utilizing Infrastructure for Lasting Development Act and the Put Our Neighbors to Work Act.

  • Foreign Policy is not mentioned as one of Kim’s major priorities on his Senate campaign site.

  • Kim believes in aggressive action to prevent unnecessary gun violence. In Congress, Kim wants to pass common gun-safety laws and treat gun violence as a national safety threat by cosponsoring the Assault Weapon Ban.

  • Kim promises a universal healthcare to ensure that every American has access to healthcare they need at a price they can afford. He aims to lower prescription drug prices, protect people with pre-existing illness, allow Medicare  to negotiate for lower drug prices, create a maximum out of pocket drug cost of $2000 for senior citizens, decrease the cost of insulin to $35/month or less, expand Medicare to include vision, dental and hearing insurance, guarantee reproductive healthcare, provide permanent funding for Children’s Healthcare Plan  (CHIP), support rural community health centers, reform the tax system to give more Americans access to healthcare and make it easier for senior citizens to receive healthcare in their homes.

  • Immigration is not mentioned as one of Kim’s major priorities on his Senate campaign site.